Love This Outfit!

i am loving everything about this outfit. some of the pieces are super pricey, but that just makes the shopping trip even more fun….

Never Give Up!

never give up on yourself! never give up on dreams! never give up on life! never give up on determination! never give up on…

Comfy Outfit Idea!

I loving rocking pumps, but getting comfy and still looking cute in some sneakers, is the next best option. Top: adidas rose logo tee…

Liora – Nude!

all sizes available… nude or black. this pumps over at just fab are super cute, affordable for only $49.00 (vip member 39.95) and you…

Office Outfit Idea!

dressy shirt, accessories, leggings and of course some pumps to complete this outfit! would you wear leggings to work or would you just replace…